Surprise 🎉 your audience with pages that load ⏳ in <2 seconds
No cap 🧢 - For Real Bruh
Get your pages shipped in less than a week. #guaranteed Developing is bussin'. That's why you get a preview every single day to see how it becomes marvalous by the weekend*
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What can we do???
  • Load ⚡ your pages in record time
  • Beat your competitors with the lowest bounce rate*
  • Customers viewing your page save real money
  • Lifetime Support*
  • Call us to know more...
How are we different???
  • We make for "your" user not an average user
  • Best practices for a safer, reliable experience
  • Performance is our life blood
  • You always own the code. #promise
  • Cheapest out there...
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Hypnotize your customers while increasing your conversion rates with a fast loading website.
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Why should you care?
19 seconds is the average time a mobile web page takes to load on a 3G connection. This causes the page's bounce rate to increase exponentially. Conversion probability drops by more than 60% if they didn't wait for those seconds as people are used to working with apps that are instant. To solve this, we embark on this mission to make every page we develop, load in <2 seconds with progressive enhancements, with no compromise in accessibility, reliability or appearance. Many trust us. What about you?
All great things begin with a single word. Let's make that happen online
  1. Subject to availability of developer team. The development time it takes to ship a single page can vary subject to the available team and might take more than a week and the shipment of preview pages might be delayed depending on the situation.
  2. Lowest Bounce Rate is relative to the average website of the specified category. The percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page is determined by a number of factors which include the actual trustworthiness of a company and the promised lowest bounce rate is mentioned only with performance in mind. Other factors which could increase the bounce rate does not count.
  3. Lifetime support does not include major layout changes. The maintenance of your page is subject to changing a text content or color, updating an image or a link and other things which take less than an hour to accomplish. Changes that include layout changes, DOM manipulation, page addition does not come under lifetime support as mentioned earlier.
  4. Subject to design of the website and other 3rd party plugins. By default <2 seconds does not include any third party frameworks or libraries for accessibility, analytics, performance measurement, conversation and others. The loading time of the page is greatly determined by these third party libraries and the website owner is responsible for the page load delays if they request to add those to the page. The website design must not include more than 50 visible token elements per page or a redesign will be requested and further development will not be performed. A token can be an images, svg, text paragraph, video etc. Parallax effects, scrolling effects, effects that extensively use JavaScript, effects that could bring down page load time are billed separately and will not satisfy the less than 2 second promise.
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